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The Story of Gautama Buddha and Angulimala - Jataka Tales in English

Angulimala was a notorious bandit and murderer in ancient India who was said to wear a necklace of fingers from his victims. He was said to have terrorized the region until he met the Buddha, who taught him the Dharma and helped him to overcome his violent tendencies and attain enlightenment. Angulimala's story is often cited as an example of the transformative power of Buddhism and the possibility for even the most evil individuals to change their ways and attain liberation. The story of Angulimala continues to be popular and is retold in various texts, art, and performances in Buddhist cultures.

The Story of Gautama Buddha and Angulimala - Jataka Tales in English

A dreaded dacoit used to rule in the jungles of Magadh country. All the people that the dacoit used to kill, he would cut off each and every finger and wear it around his neck like a garland. For this reason everyone knew the dacoit by the name of Angulimala.

Angulimala was the terror of all the villages around the country of Magadha. One day Mahatma Buddha reached a village near the same forest. Seeing him as a monk everyone welcomed him well. As soon as he stayed in that village for some time, Mahatma Buddha felt a bit strange. Then he asked the people, 'Why are you all looking so scared and confused?'

One by one everyone told about the murders and finger chopping by Angulimal dacoit. Everyone sadly said that whoever goes towards that forest, that dacoit kills him by catching him. Till now he has killed 99 people and after cutting off their fingers, he roams around wearing them like a garland. Because of the terror of Angulimala, everyone is now afraid to pass by that forest.

Then Angulimala said, 'Hey! Where is it going moving forward? Stop now.' Lord Buddha ignored his words. Then the dacoit said in anger, 'I told you to stop.' Then Bhagwan turned to him and saw that a tall, wide-eyed man with a garland of fingers around his neck was staring at him.

After looking at him, Buddha started walking again. Furious with anger, Angulimal the dacoit started running after them with his sword. No matter how much the robber ran, he could not catch them. He got tired of running. He said again, 'Stop, otherwise I will kill you and by cutting your finger I will fulfill my vow of killing 100 people.'

Lord Buddha said that you consider yourself very powerful, so pluck some leaves and twigs from the tree and bring them. Seeing his courage, Angulimal thought that he will do as he is saying. He plucked leaves and twigs and brought them in a while and said, I have brought them.

Then Buddha ji said, 'Now attach them to the tree again.'

Hearing this, Angulimal said, 'What kind of Mahatma you are, don't you know that you cannot join a broken thing again.'

Lord Buddha said that this is what I want to explain to you that when you do not have the power to connect something, then you do not have the right to break anything. If there is no ability to give life to someone, then there is no right to kill either.

Hearing all this, Angulimala dropped his weapon. God further said, ' You were telling me to stop, stop, I am stable since long. It is you who is not stable.

Angulimala said, 'I am standing at one place, so how did you become unstable and you are moving since then.' Buddha said, 'I am stable by forgiving people and you are the reason for running after everyone killing them. Unstable since.'

Hearing all this, the eyes of Angulimal the dacoit opened and he said, 'From today onwards I will not commit any unrighteous act.'

Crying, Angulimala the robber fell at the feet of Lord Buddha. On the same day Angulimala left the path of evil and became a great monk.

Learn from the story :

On getting the right guidance, a person leaves the path of evil and chooses good.

There is limited information available about the education of Angulimala, who was a notorious robber and murderer in ancient India. According to Buddhist texts, he was not well educated and did not have a formal education. He became a bandit and committed crimes due to a lack of understanding and a distorted view of the world.

However, through his encounter with the Buddha, Angulimala was able to receive a different kind of education, one that emphasized mindfulness, wisdom, and compassion. The Buddha taught him the teachings of the Dharma and showed him how to develop a more enlightened perspective on life. This inner education allowed Angulimala to transform himself and become a monk, following the path of the Buddha.

Overall, while Angulimala may not have had a traditional education, his encounter with the Buddha and his subsequent transformation illustrates the power of spiritual education and the transformative effects of mindfulness and wisdom.

Read More : The Story of Chaddanta Elephant ~ Jatak Tales In English


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