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The Foolish Thief – Akbar and Birbal Story.

Today I am going to share the story of The Foolish Thief-Akbar and Birbal Story. In this story, King Akbar's minister Birbal was known for giving wise advice. When a rich merchant's house was burgled and the thief could not be found, Birbal came up with a clever plan. He gave each servant a stick of the same length and told them that the thief's stick would grow two inches overnight. The next day, Birbal measured the sticks and found that one servant's stick was two inches shorter. This servant had cut their stick, thinking it would grow overnight, and was thus revealed as the thief. The King punished the thief accordingly.

The Foolish Thief – Akbar and Birbal Story.

In a kingdom there lived a king named Akbar. In that kingdom, everyone would get justice, and criminals would get punishment. Akbar's minister Birbal was there to give him good advice.

Once, a rich merchant came to the court of King Akbar to seek help. The merchant's house had been burgled and he suspected that his valuables had been stolen by some servant. Despite many inquiries and searches, he could not find his belongings and came to seek help saying that he had to find the thief.

After understanding everything, Birbal devised a clever plan and called the merchant's servants.

He gave each servant a stick of the same length. And he said to them: “One of you is a thief. I have given everyone a stick of the same length. Whoever stole that stuff, his stick will grow two inches tomorrow. Tomorrow I will measure everyone's sticks and find the thief.

The next day Birbal again called the servants and measured the sticks one by one. He noticed that one servant's staff was two inches shorter than everyone else's staff.

The foolish thief, believing what Birbal had said to be true, cut his stick two inches short, thinking that it would grow two inches tomorrow.

Thus Birabal discovered the thief and King Akbar punished the thief properly.

Lesson of the story: Truth and justice always win.

The paragraph is a short story about a king named Akbar and his minister Birbal. The story revolves around a rich merchant who comes to the court of King Akbar seeking help to find the thief who burgled his house and stole his valuables. Birbal comes up with a clever plan to catch the thief by giving each servant a stick of the same length and telling them that whoever stole the valuables, their stick would grow two inches longer by the next day. The next day, Birbal measures the sticks and finds that one servant's stick is two inches shorter than everyone else's stick. This foolish servant, thinking that his stick would grow two inches longer, had cut two inches off his stick to avoid getting caught. Birbal thus discovers the thief, and King Akbar punishes the thief accordingly. The story highlights Birbal's wit and intelligence in solving the problem and King Akbar's sense of justice in punishing the culprit.

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